
Art Minds

Inclusion via

Migrants and minorities didn’t appear in the European communities yesterday.

There have been decades, and in some cases centuries, of cohabitation of ethnic groups and national minorities, side by side with the ethnic and national majorities. An this cohabitation has undoubtedly left traces in the region's culture. To prove our point – that intercultural dialogue and welcoming diversity enrich our lives – we collected curious cases of cultural influence from minorities to the core culture of the region.

Desk research, interviews with experts, community engagement

Analysing existing literature, media, and historical records to understand how chosen minority cultures have been depicted in various cultural domains in each of the project region and which cultural borrowings have taken place.

Collaborating with culturologists, historians, and art curators through interviews and workshops to gather expert insights.

Creation of Interactive Publication

Launching a project website that hosts an interactive publication featuring narratives, articles, videos, and multimedia content that showcase the rich contributions of minority cultures to Austria, Portugal, and Slovenia.

Local intercultural festivals

Sharing the findings with a wider audience, including educational institutions, cultural organizations, and the general public at an intercultural festival, to promote awareness and appreciation of minority cultural heritage.

An international training course on digital storytelling

Teaming up in Madeira with the project staff in Madeira to improve the competencies of digital storytelling.

Connecting with minority communities through community meetings, interviews, and surveys to ensure their voices are heard and respected.


Roma Volkshochschule Burgenland, Austria

The Roma Adult Education Center Burgenland (Roma VHS) was established in 1999 is part of the largest adult education institution in Austria, the Association of Austrian Adult Education Centers with over 270 offices throughout Austria. We are quality-assured, non-profit adult education institutions under public funding. We stand for a comprehensive concept of education that combines general, political, cultural, and vocational further education that forms the basis and the path to a self-determined and fulfilled life.


Inštitut središče zagovorništva (Institute Advocacy hub, abbreviation: ISZ) is a non-profit legal entity based in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Our mission is to educate and promote human rights among young people and adults and to provide legal and social support to vulnerable groups of people, especially migrants, both locally and internationally.

Association My Madeira Island, Portugal

We contribute to the goals by organizing non-formal educational events and actions for young people and adults, at the local and international level, and online initiatives. These are local and international projects, camps, training courses, conferences, seminars, consultations, lectures and other educational activities, based on non-formal education principles.

Research on cultural arts and traditions of the respective minorities


The main AIM of the project is to equip Adult Educators with new methods of minority inclusion (Roma, refugees and migrants), based on minorities Cultural Heritage valorisation and Digital Storytelling method.


One online platform with 30 digital stories (videos, narratives, other visuals and interactions) as a ‘museum’ of mutual influence between minority and majority culture in Austria, Portugal and Slovenia;

At least 150 people learning from cultural presentations, panel discussions, and intercultural festivals

12 staff members improving digital and intercultural competencies, also acquiring new methods for soft inclusion via cultural research and presentations

Art MINDS: Minority Inclusion via Digital Storytelling

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Roma Volkshochschule Burgenland, Austria

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