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Roma Volkshochschule Burgenland, Austria

The Roma Adult Education Center Burgenland (Roma VHS) was established in 1999 is part of the largest adult education institution in Austria, the Association of Austrian Adult Education Centers with over 270 offices throughout Austria. We are quality-assured, non-profit adult education institutions under public funding. We stand for a comprehensive concept of education that combines general, political, cultural, and vocational further education that forms the basis and the path to a self-determined and fulfilled life. 

We see ourselves as an independent institution of general education, committed to democracy and ideologically committed to human rights. Our topics arise from the examination of current, (inter)national, regional, and local issues and from educational work against social exclusion tendencies. Educationally disadvantaged groups are of particular concern to us in our pedagogical work. 

We are the main provider of a wide range of preparatory courses for obtaining educational qualifications (compulsory school-leaving certificate, apprenticeship certificate, high school graduation, university entrance qualification examination, vocational maturity examination). We develop special courses for disadvantaged target groups and implement them within the framework of project funding. 

The differentiated language learning program in all regions is one of our most important areas of offering – for instance, you can learn the language of the Roma people (Romani) at our institution, the Roma VHS.



Inštitut središče zagovorništva (Institute Advocacy hub, abbreviation: ISZ) is a non-profit legal entity based in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Our mission is to educate and promote human rights among young people and adults and to provide legal and social support to vulnerable groups of people, especially migrants, both locally and internationally. ISZ is committed to building international cooperation, promoting tolerance and intercultural dialogue. Therefore, we promote values such as development and empowerment in the areas of human rights education, environmental education, active citizenship and intercultural education. In order to achieve the aforementioned goals, we provide non-formal education, counselling and networking, promote human rights development actors in Slovenia and exchange best practises and knowledge between local and international institutions. Last but not least, we work for the public good by providing non-formal education, training, counselling and support. In addition, we conduct research, advocate, network with related sectors and collaborate in the elaboration of strategies for the promotion of human rights and freedoms. All our activities and programmes are carried out by experts with the help of volunteers.


Association My Madeira Island, Portugal

Associação MY MADEIRA ISLAND is a non-profit association with the aim of supporting the social, economic and cultural development of Madeira Island according to the Sustainable Development Goals, more precisely:

  • Good health and well-being
  • Quality education
  • Gender equality
  • Decent work and economic growth
  • Reduced inequalities
  • Sustainable cities and communities
  • Responsible consumption and production
  • Climate action
  • Partnerships for the goals

We contribute to the goals by organizing non-formal educational events and actions for young people and adults, at the local and international level, and online initiatives. These are local and international projects, camps, training courses, conferences, seminars, consultations, lectures and other educational activities, based on non-formal education principles.

We cooperate with the Direction of Youth in Madeira, Ecologic Park, local businesses, StartUp Madeira, Digital Nomad community, traditional media and other stakeholders. 

We provide internship opportunities in the association for local youth. 

Art MINDS: Minority Inclusion via Digital Storytelling

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Roma Volkshochschule Burgenland, Austria

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